AL-1 Programming Analog Sounds Tutorial by Dan Phillips
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This is a tutorial Dan made for everyone to get more out of the AL-1 engine.
Here’s the start of a tutorial. For now, it focuses only on sawtooth wave sounds, building to a simple pad and a few bass sounds. Many of these methods are already in the Parameter Guide, though there is at least one new one. Let me know what you think.
Download the accompanying file here:
- Start with an initialized EXi Program (this contains a single initialized AL-1 by default)
Go to the EXi1 4–1: OSC Basic page
Set both Osc 1 and Osc 2 waveforms to Saw
Set the initial phase for both Osc 1 and Osc 2 to Random
Set Osc 2 tune to +0008
Set Osc 2 frequency offset to +00.1Hz
Go to the 4–1: Program Basic page
Under Scale, set Random to 2
- At this point, you have a rudimentary approximation of the sound from “Jump.”
You can also experiment with the oscillator Edge parameter (which controls the brightness of the oscillator waveform – not a filter!), Drive, and Low Boost (which is designed to interact with Drive).
Go to the EXi1 5–1: Filter Basic page
Set Filter A frequency to 25
Go to the EXi1 5–3: Filter Modulation page
In the Filter EG section, set Filter A Velocity Int. to +75
Go to the 7–1: EG 1 (Filter) page
Set EG one attack time to 32
Now, you have a simple brass sound. Save it.
Go to the EXi1 5–1: Filter Basic page
Set Filter A resonance at 35
This produces a slightly thinner, buzzier brass sound
Go to the 7–1: EG 1 (Filter) page
Set the release time to 60
Go to the 6–3: Amp EG page
Set the release time to 60
Now, you have a brass/pad sound. Save it.
Experiment again with drive and low boost (Bypass off, drive 35, low boost 20; Reduce Amp Level to 055 to compensate for volume increase)
After experimenting, to back to the brass/pad sound from above.
Go to the EXi1 5–1: Filter Basic page
Set Filter routing 24db (four – pole)
Go to the 7–1: EG 1 (Filter) page
Set: Attack time to 75, Decay time to 80, Break and Sustain levels to +40
Go to the 6–3: Amp EG page
Set the Attack time to 50
Now, you have a basic version of the classic soundtrack pad. Save it.
Go to the 7–1: EG 1 (Filter) page
Make the following settings: Attack time 03, Decay time 40, Break and Sustain levels +40, Release time 40
Go to the 6–3: Amp EG page
Set Attack time back to 00 and Release time to 40
Set Osc 1 octave to -1[16′]
Go to the 4–1: Program Basic page
Select Mono and enable Mono Legato
Now, you have a simple, classic bass sound.
Go to the EXi1 9–1: AMS Mixer page
We’ll be setting up AMS Mixer 1.
Set the Mixer Type to Gate
Set the Gate Control source EG1 (filter), and the Threshold to +70
Under Gate Output, set Below Threshold to AMS A and EG1 (filter)
Set At and Above Thresh. to Fixed Value +70
This models the shape of the mini moog envelope.
Go to the EXi1 5–3: Filter Modulation page
In the Filter EG section, set Filter A Velocity Int. to +00
Under Filter A modulation, set AMS 1 to AMS Mixer 1, but leave the Intensity at +00
Set the Intensity Mod AMS to velocity, and in turn set its Intensity to +99
Now, the filter is modulated by the altered envelope shape, with the amount controlled by velocity.
Go to the 6–1: Amp/Driver page.
Set Drive to 30, Low Boost to 20 (remember, this is designed to interact with Drive), and Amp Level to 90
Now, you have a minimoog-ish base. Save it.
Set EG1 (Filter) Break and Sustain levels to +30, and Filter Frequency to 20; save this as “Darker.”
Experiment with setting Resonance to 00. This is a subtle change; it makes the sound a little more full, but also makes the character slightly less distinct.
For EG (filter): experiment with Decay times between 20 and 50.
After experimenting, to back to the “Darker” sound from above.
Set EG1 Break and Sustain levels to +50
Set Filter A Frequency 16
Set Resonance to 26
This produces a different, thicker-sounding bass.
Here’s another AL-1 video tutorial by Qui Robinez: